Where Your Money Goes
Our services are offered at the minimum possible price point. We exist to provide common access to uncommon products that uplift lives; as such we endeavour to price our services as reasonably as possible.
Here’s our value proposition:
For a few tens of dollars, you are accessing tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of puzzles the bulk of which you have never seen before.
Affordability & Sustainability
Paying to play is more worth than buying all these yourself, since after you have solved a puzzle, there is little more you can gain. Further, this is better for the planet.
Awareness & Inclusivity
The mechanical puzzle world is exclusive and not easy to discover by yourself. We are holding out a hand to invite you into it and guide you along your journey.
Here’s where your money goes:
Purchase of non-mainstream and exquisitely made puzzles from 20 different countries. We endeavour to procure original items from designers themselves. We are always on the lookout for new releases and continuously curate our collection.
Compensating puzzle masters who can meet you at your puzzling stage. When you are stuck, they are able to give you a hint without robbing you of the satisfaction of solving it yourself. They also sanitise, reset, and repair puzzles after your every visit.
Real estate expenses for hosting Puzzletopia in a convenient location with comfortable puzzling space. Our puzzles do not fare well left alone in high humidity and temperatures, so we take extra effort in controlling the environment.
All in all, this is great bang for your buck. We even have our own employees as customers because they see real value in our offerings.
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